One of my clients here (and the reason for my visit) is a map support office for the US Navy. The MSO (Map Support Office) needed a more efficient way to store, package and ship the standard, classified and secret maps used by Naval ships and aviators alike.
The MSO used to receive their map stock rolled in rolls of hundreds of maps. They would unroll the maps and fold them to store on conventional shelving. When an order came in, they would unfold the maps, roll them up again and supply their customers with the rolled maps. Not only was this extra work for them, the navigators did not like the creases folding put into their maps. As you can imagine if you are plotting out a course for a ship, a crease in your map could easily throw of angles and distances.
American Warehouse Systems was asked to design a storage aid system that could store thousands of large maps in a very small area. This new system would allow the MSO to receive their maps, unroll them and store them. When an order came in they would simple pull the flat maps they needed out of the system roll them and send them out (with no creases). Fortunately this was not our first MSO project so we already had a system designed that with a few tweaks would surpass their requirements.
My trip to Italy (this time) was to kick off the installation of the new storage aid system. I am happy to say everything seems to be going very well. We were able to provide a solution to the Navy in the European arena that not only saves labor hours but also literally helps them to better stay on course.
I am very grateful to be a part of an industry that is able to provide solutions to real world problems. American Warehouse Systems is very fortunate to be able to work so closely with our military to offer our best ideas to help where we are able. Projects like this one are a great source of pride for us. I am proud to support our Armed Forces everyday and truly blessed to be able to continue that support through my career and my industry.
OK my salad is gone and I need to get up early tomorrow morning. Next week I'll be blogging from Miami and the Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association Board of Directors Meeting.