Pioneer Hi-Bred is the world's leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics to farmers worldwide. With the increase in demand for their products, they were confronted with re-evaluating their storage capacity within their facilities. They approached American Warehouse Systems for help with this issue.
In an effort to store as many pallets as possible in the existing warehouse, Pioneer looked to the various high density storage options. American Warehouse Systems assisted with the design and layout in the non-uniform product area. After our site visit and application analysis, it was determined the designated area allowed for 8 bays of 4 to 8 pallets deep on a gravity flow system, allowing 150 pallet positions in 1,001 square feet of floor space. We used the Logix 2000 Polycarbonate wheel flow lanes from InterRoll on Unarco Structural style pallet racking to hold the 1,500 pound pallets of product.
Pioneer Hi-Bred was so pleased with the results, they recently ordered another 3 bays of 4 pallets deep to add on to the original system, giving them another 36 pallet positions in only 193 square feet of floor space. We would like to thank Pioneer for the order and wish them the best for years to come.
If you are interested in high density pallet storage please visit our Storage Rack section or our High Density Storage pages.