Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Finally! Our Blog Has Moved!

After much delay we have finally migrated our blog to our website. We feel there is great value in having the blog resident on our main site at the folder level. This of course will cause some confusion and issues moving forward but we hope all will hang with us during the mess.
Now it's not quite all together and pretty yet but we expect it will be in a few short weeks. In the meantime I will be blogging on both sites with the "meat" on the new blog and a short description and a link on this site.
This week I am profiling a TA-50 Military Gear Locker application we completed for the United States Army. We replaced their old "school" type lockers with some very nice custom lockers. The entire project was very cost effective and all purchased on our GSA Contract. Read more about it; TA-50 Military Gear Lockers at Army Base.
See our new blog here; American Warehouse Systems Blog.

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